World of Tanks Blitz wordt ontwikkeld door Wargaming, de maker van World of Tanks, World of Warships, World of Warplanes, Master of Orion en Total War: Arena. Het kan gezien worden als het kleine, snelle broertje van World of Tanks, en is een free-to-play, onlinespel waarin spelers elkaar in teams bestrijden met tanks uit de periode tussen grofweg 1925 en 1965. Het spel is gratis te spelen, maar maakt gebruik van microtransacties, waarmee je bijvoorbeeld betere munitie of premiumvoertuigen kunt aanschaffen. Het spel draait op Android, iOS, macOS en Windows. Daarnaast is het ook via Steam beschikbaar. World of Tanks Blitz 8.4 is enkele dagen geleden uitgebracht met de volgende aankondiging: Update 8.4 Polish Heavies The new branch of five researchable Tier VI–X heavy tanks has joined the European Nation! Each is well-armed, perfectly armored, and very dangerous! These Poles come with their own consumables that will bring you new tactical opportunities. Both newcomers and experienced commanders will enjoy riding the new heavies into battle. Economy Lesson We’re continuing to refine the credit economy. This time, the changes will affect researchable Tier I–VI vehicles. Previously, the number of battles required to accumulate credits and research each subsequent tank could vary quite widely depending on the branch. To balance out this uneven profitability, starting from Update 8.4, some tanks will earn a little more, while others will earn a little less. These changes won’t apply to Premium vehicles. Holiday Camos and New Arrivals Halloween is coming! While we “probably” won’t go from Garage to Garage asking for consumables, it would be nice to dress up for this fun-filled occasion. Spooky Web, Pumpkin Mayhem, Pumpkin Spice, Scary Swarm, and Spidertrap are available again in the Camouflage tab. Also, with Update 8.4, you’ll be able to get the harsh Bulwark camo for the harsh X T110E3 tank destroyer. Here are the new Legendary camos! Owners of the X T95E6 will soon receive an offer to purchase the feisty Piranha camo, while commanders of the X AMX 30 B will be offered to get the gorgeous Corsica camo. Improvements and Fixed Bugs
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